Martial Arts of Laos and Thailand    
Main Styles and Training
Federation Seminars
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Federation Lao-Muay    


The list of seminars due

Martial Arts
Self-defense for every one
Thai Boxing (for competitions)
Kung Fu style “Dragon”
Traditional Weapons (Wooden staff “Jo”))
Wing Chun
Kung Fu style “Black Cat” (Laos)
Martial Qigong

Health maintenance practices
Mode of life and individual system of nutrition
Yoga for beginners
Qigong 1 stage
Meditation for beginners
Paired yoga

How to apply for Seminar

It is important to hand in an application in advance (Name, Surname, date of birth, contact phone number, subject of the Seminar).
P.S. You will be informed of the place, time and date of the Seminar after you apply.

We consider orders for corporate Seminars for any subject.

If you have any questions, please, contact: +7 916 408 24 76


Self-defense for every one
In program:
- Methods of release from clinches
- Use of improvised means of self-defense
- Psychological preparation
- Self-defense in restricted space

Thai Boxing (for competitions)
In program:
- Methods to achieve power and speed of arms and feet kicks
- Exercises for reaction
- Exercises for reducing injuries
- Fight tactics, clinches, releases

Kung Fu style “Dragon”
In program:
- Development of “energetic” kicks
- Study of forms (Tao)
- Series of feet kicks
- Sparring techniques “The Tail of Dragon” (the kicks and blocks by the “tail of Dragon”)

Traditional Weapons (Wooden staff “Jo”)
In program:
- Methods of arms strengthening
- The techniques of making a field of defense around
- Kicks, blocks, interceptions, rotations

Wing Chun
In program:
- Arms and feet kicks in Old School Style (never demonstrated before)
- Exercises for heightening of skin sensibility in Qi Sao
- Winning combinations
- Development of “energetic” kicks
- Methods of absorption of enemy kicks
- Sparring techniques

Kung Fu style “Black Cat” (Laos)
In program:
- Kicks and blocks techniques
- Martial combinations
- Study of forms (Tao)

Martial Qi Gong
In program:
- Study of techniques «Fiery Breath»
- «Diamond coat»
- Qi Gong exercises for injuries reducing


Mode of life and individual system of nutrition
In program:
- Definition of system of nutrition depending on climatic conditions of Moscow and Moscow region for every individual
- Preventive health care and methods of recovery of organism functions with the help of individual system of nutrition
- Definition and recognition of organism disfunctions
- Definition of forbidden foodstuff, which causes disfunctions
- Definition of way of life, physical exercises (martial arts), meditation, mantras etc. for every individual

Yoga for beginners
In program:
- Methods of tendons and muscles stretching
- Organism clearances
- Acquaintance with different types of breath
- Elementary body positions (asans)
- Warnings

Thai Yoga seminar with use of essences

Qigong 1 stage
In program:
- Combination of Qigong warming-up
- Influence on energetic points of organism
- Straitening of energetic channels from clamps
- Clearance of channels from stagnant, dirty energy
- Take-over of breath techniques
- Accumulation of energy in Dan-Tan
- Allocation of vivifying energy through the entire organism
- Preventive health care

Meditation for beginners
In program:
- Different body positions for meditation
- Acquaintance with concentration techniques
- Breath techniques
- Techniques of tension and weakening
- Meditation for different conditions
- Joining of concentrations, total control over mind, stop of thoughts stream
- Rescue from illusions (traps)
- Warnings and recommendations

Paired Yoga
In program:
- Fast form of training to obtain body flexibility and mobility of joints
- Aiding a partner for accumulation of vital energy (Prana)
- Learning of fundamentals of Thai massage (for joints, muscles, tendons)
- Warnings

In program:
- Preparation exercises before mantras reading
- Mastering of breath techniques
- Preparation for guttural singing
- Creation of vibrations in body
- Mantras and methods of their performance
- Mantras for different cases in life (for recovery from diseases, for wealth, for goal achievement etc.)
- Mantra-Meditation

- Different kinds of essences
- How to distinguish between 100% essential oil and fake oil
- How to apply essences in aromatherapy
- Basic solvents for oils
- Base for essences use
- Individual qualifier for essence selection
- Use of oils in private life
- Methods of oils use for recovery from different diseases
- Making recipes of essences for treatment of different diseases
- Safety measures in essences use

Extrasensory influence of essences

- Exercises for Aromameditation
- Essences, used in Aromameditation for recovery from different diseases
- Composition of essences and mantras for recovery of disfunctions of internal organs
- Essences for bioenergetics recovery
- Essences for aura recovery
- Essences for development of extrasensory ability
- Essences defending from overlook, wasting disease and other negative influence

The seminars are held by the President of Moscow Federation of Lao-Thai martial arts:
The Master of Great Kung-Fu School Sha-Fut-Fan.

Martial Arts Lao-Thai (c) 2006.